Wednesday, August 23, 2006

at home in bernardsville

I know the internet has been holding its collective breath in anticipation of our next post, so at last here it is: We are living in our new home in Bernardsville.

Life is nuts, I got no good pictures, and I will tell you more soon.

Friday, August 11, 2006

a good day for movers is a bad day for cats

We're homeowners! Yesterday we jumped through the final set of hoops and were rewarded with keys to 5 Center St. We had a family picnic on the deck, but then went back to 15 Maple for one more night at the apartment. We both woke up at about 2am and were up the remainder of the night, enjoying a heady cocktail of excitement and anxiety.

G has been a grownup before but this is my first house. I bought a drill. Our plan is to move some major pieces of furniture and essentials today, enough so we can camp out til we move the rest. We may have to do without internet service until Tuesday. (At what point did TCP/IP become about as necessary as running water?)

I can hardly believe we managed to close this deal in "only" 30 days. I dunno what it's like in other states or nations, but the process included: hiring a lawyer, a home inspection, oil tank search, title search, site survey, power of attorney documents, tax returns, masons, electricians, builders, hazard insurance, flood insurance, mortgage insurance, liability insurance, promissory notes, lock-in forms, bank wires, certified checks, and escrow accounts.

During the same time period we bought a new car, sold a used car, completed a 75-page Honors Physics curriculum, and went on three out-of-state vacations. And, of course, did further work on the new D'Amato under development: far from the least of our accomplishments.

What kept me awake last night was the thought that the last 30 days will probably look like a picnic compared to the next 30 days.

I got my schedule at Pequannock High and it's great! I am teaching all physics classes with only two preps. They have been 100% on everything they promised and I still really like the people I will be working with. Unfortunately I will be in three different classrooms, and there is not much equipment and no computers. This means I will have to rely on raw effort in many places where I might have used props or technology.

G has been holding up very well although she is often tired and uncomfortable now. The move will be hard on her, not least because she will want to do much more than she is capable of these days.

My dad is also hors de combat after taking a drill bit in the arm and picking up what looks like a nasty infection. Hopefully the pills will fix it so that he doesn't have to go to the hospital.

Allright, that's enough rambling for now. I should be packing but I will let G sleep a little longer before we start disassembling our life at Maple Ave. It will be sad to leave our home here, even though we know it's time to move on.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


It's really just too damn hot for pregnant people to be outside but G could not pass up a few sociable minutes on the deck with the rest of the family. Of course, the fact that mom brought home a load of subs from the Chatham Sandwich Shop may have had something to do with the decision.

With a combination of ice bag, water spray, and foot pool it was just about bearable for a little while.

We had a busy day trying to come to an agreement with the sellers about repairs to our new house. I never thought I would become so involved with a chimney before. I suppose this is my new life as a homeowner.