Wednesday, May 03, 2006

this time last year

We were enduring our family cruise to Alaska. As you can see from the picture, Alaska is a terrible place. We had to put up with a helicopter ride and hike several miles just to get to this location, and once we got there we could not even find a Dunkin Donuts. Just some porcupine quills and an answer to that old question about the bear.

No, seriously, it was a wonderful trip with Joe's company, on the sister ship to this one. We went with both D'Amato and Valenti parents and Mark and Lauren and the kids. We gotta get more pictures up one of these days.

The contrast between wild Alaska and the shockingly indulgent shipboard treatment really did show both lifestyles to their best advantage. Or at least on high contrast. I never expected to see wild bear poop and a four foot eagle carved out of butter on the same day.


Rob Helpy-Chalk said...

So who identified the bear poop for you? When I was in Alaska I was alarmed (1) to find myself surrounded by people who could identify animals by their poop and (2) to realize I had picked up the skill fairly quickly myself.

Chris said...

Judging by the quantity alone it was either a bear or a sizable herd of elk.

I saw this on the counter at a state park in northern Michigan:

Know your bears

Many hikers sew small bells to their clothing so they won't surprise a bear, and carry pepper spray in case they do.

The dung of the harmless black bear may contain grass and berries.

The dung of the more dangerous grizzly bear often contains small bells and smells like pepper.