Wednesday, January 31, 2007

i guess he's ours

Saturday we brought the boy to Northlandz. "What is Northlandz?" you ask. Northlandz is a 1-mile walk through one man's model train fantasy. The display also includes a doll collection, an organ collection and some "fine art." In short, it wants to be House on the Rock when it grows up.

Now, as a rule, young Peter has NO interest in standing still. He wants to be walked, strolled, bounced or danced. But he was held in rapt attention by this display -- so much so that if they sold a year’s pass, I’d get one.

This sort of display is not for everyone, but Chris and I love this stuff! We spent much of our honeymoon collecting places like this. The fact that Peter is interested shows, if there was any doubt, that he’s ours.