Friday, February 23, 2007

things that only mom cares about

I figure I better start writing this stuff down before I forget-- though, I'm not sure this is interesting to anyone but me.

Yesterday, Peter played with bath toys for the first time. This week was the week he started playing with his feet. His binocular vision and ability to reliably grab the things he wants to grab happened in the last couple of weeks. This week he started showing a real interest in toys. He’s having more fun with them and also being frustrated with not being able to do what he wants with them. Before I could get him to hold a toy, but he just didn’t care. He loves “The Wiggles.” He’s started to kick a lot. He enjoys kicking things that make noise – this probably started last week. I started putting him on a bolster to make tummy-time more enjoyable (see video) about 3 weeks ago. Since then, he’s been less fussy about tummy time in general and seems to be better at playing in that position. He wants to practice standing all the time now. He’s been practicing since he was maybe 2-months-old (see, I’ve already forgotten) but now he’s really keen on it and wants to be able to do it on his own. He can sit by himself for a very short time, sometimes. He stood for a microsecond by himself, holding on to his crib the other day. He doesn’t like the Johnny-Jumper yet.

Two things I want to remember if we have another child: wear Chris' flannel pajama top with the top 2 buttons buttoned for winter night-time nursing to protect boobies from fingernails and cold. I can file the child's nails while he watches The Wiggles.


Ally said...

I am really happy that you are writing all this down - I am taking careful notes. The Wiggles TERRIFY me, though! :)

Chris said...

We first encountered the Wiggles five years ago with our niece and nephew in Florida. At the time I was horrified. But the first time I saw how delighted Himself is, I changed my mind about them.

grey said...

Yup. The lesson that I keep learning is that NOTHING is about me -- and I need to let go of my need to control EVERYTHING. Kids are a fantastic way to learn this lesson. Starting with trying to get pregnant: no matter how precisely you time things, your body gets pregnant when it wants to. During pregnancy, you suddenly can't even look at foods you used to love. Then they are born -- and whatever makes your child smile is the best thing in the world! :) It's a wild ride!!

Ally said...

The lesson that I keep learning is that NOTHING is about me
I am finding this SO hard, already. My body is refusing to do what I want it to, I keep falling asleep in inappropriate places and even the smell of my poultry house is making me barf. I had the major sicks yesterday after describing to Arvo how to make layers mash - just thinking about it.

His parents are being brilliant, coming down and painting the house, planting the garden etc. etc. - but all those things are things I WANT TO DO MYSELF and I am finding that I *really* resent not being able to.

Ugh. I think I probably need to start meditating more ... :/.