Sunday, August 12, 2007

more smokies

There was a lot of rain during the week but most of the time it didn't spoil the fun. The picture below is a happy memory for me. We were all playing down at the creek and Peter was having a great time in the water. Grey and Picot decided to hike upstream with the tubes and I bundled Peter in a towel and headed back to camp. On the way, the heavens opened and I scampered for shelter. By the time I got under the canopy Peter was out like a light. I tucked in the towel around his little feet and sat down in a camp chair.

It felt like we sat there for hours, he slept and slept and I kept him warm and listened to him breathe and watched the rain in the forest.

Eventually Picot and Grey returned from floating down the creek in the thunderstorm. Picot gave me a beer and we sat for a while longer. Good clean fun.

Here's Picot and Suzie and us and Peter and Maeve. Myrina and Daphne ran around with pals all day long and had a great time.

Here's G and Maeve upstream on Deep Creek.

Camping with an infant is a lot of work but it was very rewarding for all of us. Peter had a blast every minute of the day, and slept well at night.

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