Friday, July 14, 2006

not just a new haircut

Below you can see a picture of Grey and her new summertime-and-I'm-pregnant haircut!

In the background you might be able to see a Scion xB. This is the special 2006 Limited Edition in Envy Green. This is Grey's new car. She is very, very pleased with it. It was hard to find the cool green one. In the end we bought in on ebay. Some may be surprised that D'Amato's have bought a Japanese car, but there are two responses to this: (1) the lady who made the purchasing decision is not genetically a D'Amato, and (2) it's so well crafted that we might be reconsidering the family policy in the future.

So, we are almost ready to be a family. We have something practical and yet still cool to drive around in and clean cheerios out of.

Also, more big news! The lawyers have signed off on our contract and we are scheduled to close on our new house on August 10! At this point there are many fewer things that could go wrong with the whole enterprise. Tomorrow we have the house inspection and after that we should have any idea if there are other things to worry about.

And, I am almost complete with the partial deforestation that is a mortgage application in New Jersey.

Anyway, thanks for the good wishes. We would like to take you for a ride in our cool new car