Saturday, October 21, 2006

the pumpkin outfit

One of the child's grandmothers has remarked on the dearth of recent baby pictures so here I am on the case. Photo credits in all cases go to Richard D'Amato.

Grandpa Nick has been of exceptionally good value lately, taking the kid for many walks in the beautiful autumn weather. In addition to painting the dining room while I was working.

Grey's mom Jill was a lifesaver in the first week after we were home from the hospital. She was a huge help with all the new logistics and provided a lot of moral support to clueless new parents.

Me, I've been faking my way through fatherhood with about as much success as I've been faking it as a high school teacher. In both cases there are plenty of things to enjoy.

G is continuing her recovery. She's having a hard time with a muscle in her leg which is making it tough to get around and even sit comfortably. The doctor promises slow improvement. Posted by Picasa