Saturday, December 30, 2006

modern dad skills

OK, now that I no longer travel and my workday schedule is completely predictable, I have become the owner of one of the most advanced communication tools that will fit in your pocket. I finally replaced my beloved but aging Nokia cell phone with a shiny new Treo 680. It's a combination phone and Palm Pilot PDA which I bought in order to help organize my busy life. NOT to watch South Park and play solitaire during meetings.

But incidentally it does play excellent solitaire and thanks to the efforts of many smart people I have also got it to play the same videos we download.

Now, I can make full use of every second of the 9 unoccupied minutes that I am currently wasting each day.

This morning, while walking the child in a darkened room in order to soothe him, I was able to watch a whole South Park episode. Not only is this entertaining, but it's important to my professional development that I remain up-to-speed on popular culture so that I can relate to my students. So you see, I really have my students' best interests at heart.

Talk to me before you decide to buy a Treo though, there are issues.