Thursday, December 07, 2006

hop on pop

We got a bunch more baby pictures I am going to get up soon but right for now here is a picture of domestic bliss at the end of the day.

Last night we had a bit of a family adventure. First, we went to the wilds of western NJ to get fingerprinted at the mental hospital. Yeah, really. I needed to get printed for the school. The hospital was an attractive place actually, at the top of a hill with a beautiful view over the lakes and valleys, pretty even in December. The complex was large and old-fashioned, quiet and only a little creepy, and I easily found the room where they did the fingerprinting. There was a little guy with a giant humming machine, obviously developed with homeland security spending. It looked like something from Torchwood. There was a glowing red window on the front and when I touched it my fingerprints leaped up on the screen, and presumably were instantly beamed to Dick Cheney's bunker.

Then we drove off toward a nice little country pub where we had a good burger a few years back. We found it transformed into a nice little country bistro with jazz and a fancy menu. We had moules and frites, and the boss rode the whole dinner in the sling on my chest and was as good as pie.

On the way home, in the pitch dark of the country roads, I braked hard to avoid a deer and we heard another one thump into the side of the car. We were probably going 35mph at the time. I felt really bad but since I am a physics teacher I know that the deer only hit us at the speed of a running deer so it's possible it limped off. There was no sign of trauma on the side of the big old sedan.

OK now I gotta get back to work on practice questions for tomorrow's Circular Motion exam.


Ally said...

You can swap stories with B about fingerprinting - he's got to have his done for the FBI and the Canadians to prove that he was a good boy all the times he's visited and is therefore fit to be a parent.

Can I have a giant bug-thing?