Saturday, May 20, 2006

my speech to the graduates

Transcript of the Rutgers Graduate School of Education Commencement 2006 if I was in charge:

"Welcome everyone. Now you are officially unemployed. In conclusion, there is free beer and chicken on the quad."

Mr & Mrs
The real graduation was 120 minutes longer and there was no beer or chicken. Men talked at us for ages. Some old guy presented his brave vision for revolutionizing K-3 education which must have been really interesting to someone somewhere.

Still, it was a beautiful day. My loving wife and parents sat through the whole ordeal with every sign of good cheer, and we all went for Ethiopian lunch afterwards.


Shona said...

Congratulations on graduating. You approach the chalk fac as I leave it behind. All the best for your new careers, as parent and teacher. Hope you really love kids!

Shona said...

Obviously, I meant the chalk u c y i don teech inglish eny moor?

Ally said...

Jolly good! *passes virtual beer and chicken across Atlantic*