Tuesday, January 02, 2007

back to the grind

I'm back in my work-hole in the early hours of the morning, preparing my first lessons on work and energy. The child is asleep in his carseat by my feet, where I hope he will remain for another hour until I have to get in the shower.

G has been up a lot at night to feed him lately. He was sleeping soundly through the night but we seem to have entered a growth spurt which means more feeding. Although G can top him up without getting out of bed, constant feeding means the difference between deep sleep and a night of dozing. It's been hard on her, but she continues with patience and loving kindness. Thank crap for moms.

(oops, a noise comes from the basket at my feet. cross your fingers.)

We all had a great break together, our little family and our extended family and friends. I even felt closer to my absent friends across the big pond, thanks to Christmas cards and blog posts. For me it was a much needed recharge after an extremely busy few months.

The other teachers tell me that this time of year is easier. Even though we are facing an uninterrupted stretch of school, they say that by now you know your students and they know you and you should be in a more comfortable groove -- if not a rut. I'm starting with a positive attitude, and I'm going to try to be a little easier on myself and on my customers in the weeks to come.

Here's a couple of random kid pics from the vacation. In this one he's wearing the blue bear outfit from Aunt Pat. Not sure what he is looking so alert about, but these days he is getting a lot better at seeing what's going on.

We sat him on the floor and propped him up and he sat, very wobbly, for much longer than we would have expected. He seemed to enjoy the new perspective. I think the pose gives him a certain air of mysterious wisdom.

Well, the basket remains quiet so your crossed fingers must have helped. I gotta get back to work. Grey wants to write more posts so keep your eyes peeled if you're a blog watcher.

Love and good wishes from me, and the rest of the family, to everyone else going back to the real world today.