Tuesday, January 30, 2007

li' bubba

It got up to 40 degrees F this Sunday. So, I took the boy into the yard to model some of his new duds.

Hat is courtesy of Grandpa Nick and jacket from Uncle Dairy. Overalls by Pat Charney and shirt from the Rob & Molly collection. And tho you cannot see them, shoes by Kim Kash.

I've started putting shoes on him because he's learned to kick his socks off. I just turn around and the socks are gone. So, in the interest of not having to buy more socks, he's got to wear shoes.

He'd wear nothing at all if I would let him.

Sigh. Maybe we'll move back to Florida...

Click here for more pics.


Ally said...

Aw, Grey, he's beautiful. And has kind of unfolded (like space, Arvo says) when I compare these with the earliest pictures!

- Cheryl