Sunday, January 07, 2007

more sling fathering

There are not many posts on this blog about mothering, because mothering happens all the time. Mothering happens instead of blog posting I guess. Fathers make posts on this blog when they have schoolwork to avoid. Or to be charitable, when father is warming up for schoolwork.

This is how the boy has been going off to sleep at the end of the day lately. I put him around my neck after dinner and walk laps until he falls asleep. I feel proud of myself for being such a useful father, but then of course G takes care of him for the next eight hours or so.


grey said...

Not to take anything away from Daddy -- without whom I would have no sanity at all. But "then of course G takes care of him for the next eight hours or so" should read "then of course g takes care of him for the next eight hours to twenty hours."

Ally said...

I read that in, between the lines :).