Monday, July 02, 2007

Busy lazy summer

Me and the family have been working hard on all kinds of things. Dad and unk helped modify the van to accomodate a family of three. We made space for his car seat and repositioned his mom's chair to keep him company. I replaced the house battery and the linoleum on the floor, and made a new deck that can double as an emergency daddy-bunk.

The boy likes the van a lot. The rear bed section works great as an infant-containment system, although he managed to put his chubby little fist through the screen on the passenger side. Not his fault of course. I think that having the van will be a big help for us on a daily basis, it's great to have a little house to bring on day trips. And if he falls asleep and we need to park somewhere we have a bed and bathroom and pantry. Soon we will have a fridge again as soon as I manage to order a remanufactured cooling unit.

So I have posted some new pictures on Facebook. Anyone can see them. I've been having fun with that service lately, a bunch of friends are using it and it's fun to see what they are doing with it. So, if you're my friend, go ahead and try it out too!

This morning I am watching the baby while G gets a few extra z's, the boy has a cold and he was snotty all night, poor little bug. Poorer mom, who was stuck with primary care duty. Whenever he is really unhappy nothing will do for him but his mom.

Later this morning my ever-useful father and uncle will help me move a ton of garden supplies, including an 8x10ft shed, to our house. It will be a lot of fun, and I'll try to post some new pics.

OK I better post'n'scoot. Seeya.